Friday, August 21, 2009

Mono Sebae

Mono Sebae are fast swimmers and very active brackish fish. It is diamond-shaped with a larger anal fin than the Silver Mono (Monodactylus Argenteus). The Mono Sebae is silver with a black line covering the eyes, and a line from the tip of the dorsal fin to the tip of the anal fin. While they young, they are usually peaceful but become more aggressive as they grow. They also loose their colors to become totally silver as they become older. In the wild, Mono's go up streams and rivers to spawn. The young's then go down these streams and get used to saltier waters. At maturity, Monos are used to fully marine water and are found in the coastal areas of Africa, Asia and in Australia. In captivity, Monodactylus Sebae can live up to 10 years. There is a second Monodactylus spices, called Monodactylus argenteus (Silver Mono). In the wild, the Mono Sebae eats large amounts of vegetable matter. Provide it with dried seaweed, lettuce, brine shrimp, and a quality flake food. Monos will eat most common commercial foods as well as algae and vegetables.

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