Thursday, September 3, 2009

Redcap Oranda Goldfish

The Oranda goldfish is one of the most popular goldfish in the world. The oranda goldfish has been around for over 400 years. The Redcap Oranda is a favorite and a very fancy species with long flowing fins and slow graceful movement. It has a magnificent red spot on its head. The red oranda cap has very lower tolerance for pollution so you must provide him good filtration especially biological and the right temp that is 18°- 22° C , A large surface area of water will help minimize goldfish suffering from an oxygen shortage. Goldfish produce a lot of waste so regular water changes is strongly recommended to keep this fish healthy. Goldfish have the same diseases as tropical fish, the most common diseases are: ich, bladder disease and external parasites including flukes so pay attention to your fish and look for this diseases .To prevent this diseases from happening keep the right temp especially when you perform water changes.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunshine Peacock

The Aulonocara baenschi or by its common name Sunshine Peacock is one of the most beautiful and sought after Aulonocara in the hobby. The name peacock describe this species verwell, the Aulonocara family known to be (especially males) very colorful. Baenschi males have a strong yellowish-orange color with iridescent blue around their jaw. Unfortunately females are colorless. The Aulonocara baenschi should be kept without any other Aulonocara. Cross breeds are very common. Decorate the tank with rocks, caves and bitter plant such as Anubias, Cryptocorynes Saggitaria and Echinodorus as hiding places. As substrate it will appreciate fine gravel or fine sand. The Aulonocara baenschi like most of the Malawi cichlids Mouth-brooder.The female will hold and protect a batch of 5-30 fry in her mouth for 21-28 days. The easy way to see if the female is brooding is looking on her enlarged mouth.After the female releases her fry to the open water they can be feed with fry food or with newly hatch brine shrimp.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blue damsel

The blue damsel fish is a popular saltwater fish, many fish keepers all over the world purchase this fish due to his character (hardy fish). This fish also known as the blue devil damselfish. The blue damselfish seem to be very resistant to most saltwater fish disease but it always recommended paying attention. The blue damsel is very easy to keep, the damsel fish known to be a strong fish, some keepers use it to cycle their aquarium, need 30 gallon (114 litters) minimum. Blue damsel fish is a good beginner species.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mono Sebae

Mono Sebae are fast swimmers and very active brackish fish. It is diamond-shaped with a larger anal fin than the Silver Mono (Monodactylus Argenteus). The Mono Sebae is silver with a black line covering the eyes, and a line from the tip of the dorsal fin to the tip of the anal fin. While they young, they are usually peaceful but become more aggressive as they grow. They also loose their colors to become totally silver as they become older. In the wild, Mono's go up streams and rivers to spawn. The young's then go down these streams and get used to saltier waters. At maturity, Monos are used to fully marine water and are found in the coastal areas of Africa, Asia and in Australia. In captivity, Monodactylus Sebae can live up to 10 years. There is a second Monodactylus spices, called Monodactylus argenteus (Silver Mono). In the wild, the Mono Sebae eats large amounts of vegetable matter. Provide it with dried seaweed, lettuce, brine shrimp, and a quality flake food. Monos will eat most common commercial foods as well as algae and vegetables.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ranchu goldfish

The Ranchu goldfish known as the "King" of the goldfish. The Ranchu Goldfish is very similar to the Lionhead Goldfish but unlike the Lionhead it has a magnificent short, round body and short fins with no dorsal fin. It also has an amazing pinched tail fin which is at 45 degrees, to its body. The Ranchu was created in china during the Meiji Period but it was the Japanese whom created the Ranchu's we know today. Ranchu’s known to be very friendly species and some fish keepers are able to pet their Ranchu’s and even to train them to do some tricks. The Ranchu Goldfish come in a variety of colors, gold/white, orange/red, orange/white, white/red and a calico. Ranchu is a highly prized and sought after goldfish especially in Japan but also in America and Europe. Ranchu Goldfish are notoriously filthy, producing much waste, frequent water changes and good filtration system is essential.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Benthochromis tricoti

Benthochromis tricoti is an astonishing cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganica. In nature this species lives in large groups in depth of 100-150 meters. In home aquarium it will swim and inhabit the upper water level. With its beautiful big eyes, its brilliant yellow chin and with its beautiful blue stripes colors the tricoti is one of the most amazing species in the lake. Unfortunately like in many Tanganyikan cichlids the females are colorless. Benthochromis tricoti should be kept only in large tanks (350-400 litters) with plenty of room to swim. Sandy substrate with small rock formation will give the tricoti homelike feeling. The tricoti will thrive if kept in large numbers; 1-2 males with 5-6 females will create an astonishing school. As tankmates they should be kept with non aggressive Tanganyikan cichlids such as Xenotilapia's and Altolamprologuses. Due to their size they also can be kept with cyphotilapia's.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Although the Tylomelania sp is new to the hobby it became to be very sought after snail. The Tylomelania sp found in Lake Poso on Sulawesi, it lives there 5 to 20 meters deep on soft substrate. From time to time it can be seen inhabits the shallowerwaters. There are many different colors and species of Tylomelania. The Tylomelania sp requires aquarium decorated with plants and woods, soft-substrate should be provided. It will thrive in shrimp/snails tank. The Tylomelania sp will not harm any plants or fish. Do not keep with aggressive tropical fish that may attack or eat the snail like loaches and Puffers fish. In captivity the Tylomelania sp use to dig in the substrate, eats powdered food but will also feed on shrimp and catfish wafers. After some time it even accept flakes and pellet food. It can also be feed with vegetables.