Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ranchu goldfish

The Ranchu goldfish known as the "King" of the goldfish. The Ranchu Goldfish is very similar to the Lionhead Goldfish but unlike the Lionhead it has a magnificent short, round body and short fins with no dorsal fin. It also has an amazing pinched tail fin which is at 45 degrees, to its body. The Ranchu was created in china during the Meiji Period but it was the Japanese whom created the Ranchu's we know today. Ranchu’s known to be very friendly species and some fish keepers are able to pet their Ranchu’s and even to train them to do some tricks. The Ranchu Goldfish come in a variety of colors, gold/white, orange/red, orange/white, white/red and a calico. Ranchu is a highly prized and sought after goldfish especially in Japan but also in America and Europe. Ranchu Goldfish are notoriously filthy, producing much waste, frequent water changes and good filtration system is essential.

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