The Xenotilapia Ochrogenys is an amazing cichlid from lake Tanganika. Like its entire genus females are gray in color while the males are colorful, in this species males have protruding yellow colors. Males body has black ornaments, in breeding time or when other male presents in the tank the dominant male will puff its chin. The name Xenotilapia originate from Greek, xenos refer to weird while the thiape refer to fish. Xenotilapia Ochrogenys found throughout the lake in shallow sandy environments. Its mouth is able to extend and with this amazing mouth structure it can probe the substrate. This beautiful fish is an insectivore, the Ochrogenys is a sand dwelling invertebrates. In the wild this cichlid filters insects from the sand. Just like its relative the Xenotilapia spilopterus it will accept commercial foods but will highly appreciate frozen and live foods. bloodworms, mysis and krill are its favorites. The Xenotilapia Ochrogenys should be kept in a fish tank no smaller then 50 gallon (190 litters). The tanks should be decorated with rock formation and plenty of room to swim. As substrate it is recommended to use fine gravel or fine sand. The Ochrogenys must be kept in large groups in the tank in order to spread its natural aggressions. Although it is an aggressive species it is not good idea to keep it with aggressive tankmates such as Tropheus species. There is also a problem keeping it with Callochromis species. Once the couple is ready to spawn, the male will dig a round pit in the substrate, the female will arrive to the pit and lay about 8 eggs, these eggs will immediacy fertilized by the male. The female will collect these fertilized eggs to her mouth and hold them for about three weeks. After spawning occurs the female retreated to a hiding place to avoid male harassments. It is recommended to strip the female in the early stages (after 7-8 days) otherwise she will lose most of the fry, these species known to be bad holders. Any changes in water parameters can lead to breading break. The couple will spawn once a month, every spawn will occur with one female chosen by the male.